Etchings, August 24, 2017

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Youth News & Notes, August 27, 2017

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Sunday, August 27, 2017

8:30 and 11:00 Worship  

Sermon: “Who is Jesus?”, Rev. Karen H. Whitaker

Scripture: Psalm 124, Romans 12: 1-8, Matthew 16: 13-20

Hymns: Take My Life and Let It Be, My Hope Is Built, Standing on the Promises

9:00 Worship       

Sermon: “The Power of the Church”, Rev. Dr. Sangwoo Kim

Scripture: Matthew 16: 13-20

Songs: Open the Eyes of My Heart, Give Thanks, Sanctuary, Shine, Jesus, Shine

Ushers: 8:30: Mike Shiflett, 11:00: Rick and Emily Dike, Johnie Joyce

Liturgists: 8:30: Maureen Oakes, 11:00: Jung Hyun Choi

Greeters: Carl and Sue Hamill

Offering Counters: Emily Dike and Judy Daymont

Altar Guild: Jennifer Freeman, Judy Daymont

Bus Driver: Brent Engel

Nursery: Marcey Harp, Theresa Shebalin, Lisa Vandevander, Joan Fletcher

Acolyte: Ian Kim

Youth Reader: Katherine Lantzy

Crucifer: Hannah Morris

Altar Flowers:  Norma and Joseph Mitchell have given the flowers in the church today to the glory of God and in honor of the fiftieth birthday on August 15, 2017, of their daughter, their only child, Dr. Anne Virginia Mitchell Whisnant of Chapel Hill.

Serving From The Heart

When we join the United Methodist church we promise to support the church with our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and witness. On August 27, the congregation is invited to share with Epworth UMC the gift of our time and our talents. During the worship service, we will be filling out the Serving from the Heart Survey. Everyone will be given an opportunity to indicate ways in which they are willing to serve Epworth UMC both inside these walls and beyond these walls. Do you love to sing in the choir or have a passion to drive the church bus?  Do you want to reach out to the community? Or do you want to provide snacks for tutoring or be a part of the Care Group?  We will be sharing our results with the different ministry areas and with Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development as they began their work to prepare a slate of officers for 2018.  See you Sunday!

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