Youth Sunday, June 10, 2018

Worship at 8:30, 9:00  and 11:00

Jerush Christopher, Erin Engel, Hannah Morris and Peter Walker will give their testimonies.

Hymns at 8:30 and 11:00: Lord of the Dance, What Wondrous Love, Lift Every Voice and Sing

Songs at 9:00: What a Friend We Have in Jesus, Spirit Song, Oceans

 Ushers: 8:30: Mike Shiflett, 11:00: Carl Nordman, Luisa Nordman, Johnie Joyce, Jerry McDaniel

Counters: Todd Benware, Marvin Carver

Sound Technicians:  9:00: Lewis Bass IV, 11:00: Greg Bolt

Liturgists: 8:30: Maureen Oakes, 11:00: Epworth Youth

Bus Driver: Belo Shelton

Greeters: Susan Armour, Juliet Thomas

Nursery: Sarah Gurley, Libby Engel

Acolyte: Ben Engel

Crucifer: Caleb Engel

Altar Guild: Carolyn Davis, Nalda Brown

Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of Pete Daymont by his family.

Connections: Annual Conference 2018

Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ.

I look forward to greeting many of you as we gather in Greenville next week. We gather in the long tradition of Methodist people. We are a connectional family and so we gather to build bonds of friendship and colleagueship and the gospel of Christ.

We connect with old friends and make new friends and deepen all of our personal relationships with one another. We gather secondly to be inspired. The preaching and teaching of the Annual Conference session equips us for the ministry that we anticipate in the days ahead. Third, we gather to make decisions around our common life, to attend to our polity, our organization. In all of these ways, we are strengthened to serve Christ in the world.

On Monday, the cabinets of the Western North Carolina Conference and the North Carolina Conference will meet in Durham with Bishop Leeland and me. We do this regularly in order to connect in ministry across our state. We will continue to think and pray and share together about processes in ministry that are working well, about practices that are fruitful, about ways that we might continue our collaboration in Christ’s ministry.

On Tuesday, the cabinet and I meet for our annual day of retreat, in which we look at the year that has passed and evaluate and remember and give thanks for all that has been and we project into the year to come, the ways in which we will convene for the fall charge conferences, the emphases which the Holy Spirit seems to be bringing forth from across our annual conference, the ways that we might live and work together in even greater effectiveness and energy.

All of these gatherings next week are moments of Christ’s livening spirit in us. In this season after Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit, let us pray and anticipate the movement of that same spirit in a mighty way upon the people called Methodist in North Carolina next week.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Worship* at 8:30, 9:00 and 11:00

Sermon: “Here I Am; Speak, Lord”, Rev. Dr. Sangwoo Kim

Scripture:  Psalm 139: 1-6, 13-18, 2 Corinthians 4: 5-12, 1 Samuel 3: 1-20

Hymns at 8:30 and 11:00: O Worship the King, Open My Eyes, Here I Am, Lord

Response Hymn at 8:30: Crown Him with Many Crowns

Songs at 9:00: Siyahamba, In the Secret, Alleluia, Here I Am, Lord

Ushers: 8:30: Mike Shiflett, 11:00: Jay Hallan, Al West, Bob Botts, Joyce Dalgleish

Counters: Fred Mowry, Beth Armbruster

Sound Technicians: 9:00: Chuck Darr, 11:00: Alan Payne

Liturgists: 8:30: Maureen Oakes, 11:00:  Judy Daymont

Bus Driver: Steve Smith

Greeters: Marcia Browning, Pansy Waligora

Nursery: Beth Armbruster, Jennifer Browning

Acolyte: Olivia Vandevander

Crucifer: Hannah Morris

Reader: Katherine Lantzy

Altar Guild: Carolyn Davis, Nalda Brown

Altar Flowers  are given to the glory of God and in memory of Barbara K. Mowry and Ruth L. and J. Leonard Mowry from Fred and Nell Mowry.

*Communion will be celebrated on Youth Sunday, June 10, 2018.

Etchings, May 30, 2018

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