Youth News & Notes, December 4, 2016

Happy week after Thanksgiving, everyone!  I do hope that you all had some great family time, some time to relax, and took the time to be thankful for your many blessings!!  And now we’re in the season of waiting:  Advent!!!


It’s hard to believe that December is almost here, so the hustle and bustle is about to be in full force!  That said, below is the Youth News & Notes that will be in the Etchings this week.  Just a few important items to note:


  1. The eagerly anticipated LOCK-IN is THIS week-end, Friday & Saturday December 2nd and 3rd.  More details will follow in a separate email, but attached is the permission slip for the LOCK-IN.  Please let me know if you plan to join in the fun!  Permission slips can be brought with you Friday night.
  2. As we enter into this busy season, and during the year,  please be mindful of the acolyte/crucifer/reader schedule and please make arrangements for a substitute if you are not able to be there on your scheduled date.  ALSO, please arrive in time to robe and be in the processional line.
  3. Reminder of the Sunday School offering each week.
  4. The U.M.Y.F. Christmas party is scheduled for December 18th.  We are still looking for someone willing to host the party.  Youth Council will provide some of the food items, and the youth will bring snacky foods, so you aren’t responsible for providing a meal!!
  5. Help  is needed on Saturday morning, December 10th to put the poinsettias in the Narthex and Fellowship Hall…so mark your calendars and let me know if you are willing and able to help!


As we enter this season of waiting and anticipation, may we all be reminded that this season is filled with the hope, joy, love and peace that God intends for us to have and to share.  Share these gifts with others less fortunate than you are.  Bring a smile to the face of someone who needs to be lifted up.  Give a hug to someone to let them know that someone cares about them.  Watch the joy on children’s faces as they experience the wonder of this season.  Always give thanks and praise, and be patient as we wait to celebrate the birth of The One who brings all of these gifts to us.


Peace, joy, love and hope,


[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”u-m-y-f-perm-sliplockindecember2016″] [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”youth-news-notes-december-4-2016″]